Full moon rituals

Full Moon in Scorpio Creative Ritual + Writing Exercise

Full Moon in Scorpio Creative Ritual + Writing Exercise

One thing that I’ve come to love about the cycles of the moon, that at first confused me, is the pattern of where the new and full moons fall. Each month, the new moon is in the current sun sign, and reflects the current season (in the northern hemisphere). We are currently in Taurus season (sun sign), the earthy sign of springtime, growth, birth and generation. Taurus is the farmer, the gardener, sowing the vernal seeds.

Then, the full moon that follows always occurs in the sign opposite the sun, representing the seasonal inverse. This month, the moon reaches its fullness in Scorpio, sign of deep autumn, of decay, of death, of the underworld, the nadir, of transformation.

Full Moon in Taurus + Mercury Retrograde in the Heart of the Sun—Ritual

Full Moon in Taurus + Mercury Retrograde in the Heart of the Sun—Ritual

Full Moon in Taurus + Mercury Retrograde in the Heart of the Sun (conjunct sun) in Scorpio Ritual

What are old patterns, stories, messages, conditioning from your past, childhood, family, society related to your creativity, sexuality, power of creation, production and destruction, or your body—which are coming up for you recently (resurfacing, replaying, playing out in new forms, etc.)?

What narrative would you like to now transform?