Full Moon in Taurus + Mercury Retrograde in the Heart of the Sun—Ritual

Full Moon in Taurus + Mercury Retrograde in the Heart of the Sun (conjunct sun) in Scorpio Ritual

What are old patterns, stories, messages, conditioning from your past, childhood, family, society related to your creativity, sexuality, power of creation, production and destruction, or your body—which are coming up for you recently (resurfacing, replaying, playing out in new forms, etc.)? How can work with this story or pattern in new ways—accept, shift, release, forgive it/yourself?

What narrative would you like to now transform?

Choose one pattern or narrative to bring up into the light of the full moon; to bring from the body, the subconscious (the moon), into the unblocked light of consciousness (the sun), in order to be better able to work with and transmute it.

Write this pattern on a small strip of paper (condense it as best you can, into a sentence or two). Every night for the next two weeks, under the light of the now waning moon, hold the paper in your hands and its sentence in your awareness and say aloud: “I’m sorry. I forgive you. I accept you. I love you.” (You can understand this as speaking to your current self, to anyone your pattern may have harmed, and to the younger self who created this pattern, likely in response to an initial [real or perceived] harm or threat.)

The night before the next new moon, in the dark of the moon (which will be Nov. 25th), burn the paper in a fire pit or container, with the conscious decision to forgive the pattern and transmute it to a higher version, more suited and useful to who you are now, and who you are becoming.  

Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash