full moon in scorpio

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio—Surrender

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio—Surrender

There is a full moon lunar eclipse along the south node in Scorpio—and if you have been feeling ALL. THE. FEELINGS. today (and/or the past two weeks), well, you’re right on time. South node eclipses are about where we’ve been—and even who we’ve been—and who or what (in the external or internal worlds) we need to now let go of in order to step into who we are becoming.

Full Moon in Scorpio Ritual + Writing Prompts—Sex, Death + Transformation

 Full Moon in Scorpio Ritual + Writing Prompts—Sex, Death + Transformation

Scorpio is not a light and easy sign. It is intense; it asks nothing less than the full transmutation of everything you were into who will become. The Full Moon in Scorpio in the spring reminds us that every birth requires—contains inside of it—a death, loss, grief. The seed must be cracked and hollowed to become a plant. The caterpillar must dissolve before the butterfly will emerge.

Full Moon in Scorpio Creative Ritual + Writing Exercise

Full Moon in Scorpio Creative Ritual + Writing Exercise

One thing that I’ve come to love about the cycles of the moon, that at first confused me, is the pattern of where the new and full moons fall. Each month, the new moon is in the current sun sign, and reflects the current season (in the northern hemisphere). We are currently in Taurus season (sun sign), the earthy sign of springtime, growth, birth and generation. Taurus is the farmer, the gardener, sowing the vernal seeds.

Then, the full moon that follows always occurs in the sign opposite the sun, representing the seasonal inverse. This month, the moon reaches its fullness in Scorpio, sign of deep autumn, of decay, of death, of the underworld, the nadir, of transformation.