New Moon in Taurus Writing Prompts + Ritual: PLANT

New Moon in Taurus 21º May 11 2021 12:59 pm MT * Moon + Sun sextile Neptune * Mars sextile Uranus and square Chiron

New Moon in Taurus

This is a lovely new moon in the midst of a May that is simply A LOT (in a year that has been a lot, after the prior year that was even more).

If you, like me, are feeling frazzled and frenzied and spiraling all directions trying to keep aloft all the spinning plates—please, I beg you (and here I’m really speaking to myself)--take this moment and PAUSE.

Stop spinning, stop running and rushing and getting it all done. Plant your feet on the soil, the grass, the concrete if that’s what you have. Look up at the dark sky of the new moon. See those extra stars. Take a deep breath. And another. Root. Feel the mother earth beneath you. Her soils dark and dank and fecund, her dirt the womb wrapping all the birthing seeds of spring, ready to break, ready to unravel.

Yes, this is a powerful moon to manifest… But before you do. Breathe. Stand on the earth. Look at the sky. Find yourself centered between the two. Held by gravity. Lifted by the force of your spirit. Wrapped in this body, this suit of flesh, on this gorgeous fucking planet, spinning and spinning through infinite expanding space.

Feel your smallness. Feel your vastness. Breathe. Root. Plant.

Okay… now, and only now, you can begin to think about manifesting, okay? (You can do what you want of course, but do you really want to manifest more frenzy? I do not.)

Mars is an important part of this lunation that we don’t want to just gloss over. If tension, aggression (or passive-aggression), frustration, and old wounds are being triggered—don’t ignore or repress them. These emotions are part of embodiment, of the human experience.

FEEL them. Dance, scream, stomp, shake them out. Drop them to the ground and offer them to the earth as compost. Then breathe. Again.

Manifesting with the New Moon in Taurus

Taurus is the sign of planting and manifesting in the spring. It is also the sign of deep embodiment and earthly delight. Of luxuriating in the five (plus) senses.

As the sun and moon gather here, it is a wonderful time, therefore, for both experiencing and setting intentions for sensual and material gifts and pleasures—be that intimacy in relationship(s), more money, inspired creativity, joy and pleasure in your purpose and work (however you choose to define that), protecting and healing your body and the earth, and/or feeling good and joyful in yourself, your body, your incarnation on this planet.

The ritual and writing prompts below will guide you in setting intentions and planting seeds with the magic of this new moon.

But manifestation has two parts. Step one is the conscious setting of an intention (planting the psychic seed), and step two is actively creating channels in the material realm for these intentions to come to you, to be able to reach you. If you set the intention to have a best-selling novel, for example, but you never start writing the book, there is very little the world around you can do to bring your dreams into existence on this material level we call life.

SO, if you’d like to go deeper (and bigger and likely faster) in your manifesting, then tap into collective and communal power and create an instant channel for pleasure, creativity, and erotic lifeforce by joining us in Spark!

SPARK—the course on embodying and empowering your creative-erotic force and cultivating radical pleasure


Join us now!

If you’ve been procrastinating or waffling, now is the time to hop off the fence.

If this course and community feels like the right container to cultivate creativity, erotic connection, belonging, healing, empowerment, and radical pleasure and joy—well, jump in and join us now!

We do hope to run the course again later in the year, but can’t guarantee it, so if you’re wanting to be a part of this, now is the time to join!

And if Spark isn’t the right fit, or it’s not the right time, then I encourage you to consider how to create other mundane channels and modes for your intentions to reach you. May all your earthy, Taurean dreams of pleasure, sensuality, and caring for our bodies and our mother earth come true! So must it be.

Taurus New Moon Ritual and Writing Prompts

New Moon in Taurus Ritual + Journal Writing Prompt

  • Ask yourself: What do you want to build, create, accomplish in the next six months? In the next two years?

  • Now ask: What will creating that vision allow you to experience or feel?

    (Often, when we want something, it’s not really the thing itself we want, but what we think that thing will make us feel—money allows for a sense of freedom; loving intimate relationships can make us feel safe and joyful. We want to tap into that level, Taurus’ level, the level of bodily sensation and emotion.)

  • Close your eyes, and envision yourself after you’ve achieved this goal, created this vision. Imagine, really sense into the feeling this accomplishment gives you. What does it feel like to have that sensation of freedom in your life, that feeling of safety and joy in your body? Where do you feel it, can you describe it?

  • Imagine the world around you, when you are living this reality you’re dreaming about. Where are you, who are you with? What do you see? What sounds are around you, what smells? What do you taste? What do the air and temperature feel like on your body? As deeply as you can, create a 5D experience of these senses and sensations. Can you taste the crème brulee you’re having for dessert? Feel the humidity of the ocean breeze brush across your arms? Hear the laughter of your dearest friend or partner?

  • Luxuriate here as long as you can, as long as you wish. When you’re ready to return to our current time and space, say “This or something better is entering my life now, through the channels I am making for it in the material plane, or the greatest good of all beings and the planet.” (Or your own version.)

  • Before opening your eyes, feel your energy and focus return to your body. Bring attention to your breath, in and out. When you’re ready, open your eyes.

  • Repeat this visualization daily for the next two weeks until the full moon, and as often as you can/desire over the next six months.

Taurus New Moon Creative Writing Prompt

Exercise in Response to “Give Me This” by Ada Limón

Read the poem, “Give Me This,” by Ada Limón, then use the prompt below to write your own poem or lyric essay.

Give Me This Ada Limón

I thought it was the neighbor’s cat back
to clean the clock of the fledgling robins low
in their nest stuck in the dense hedge by the house
but what came was much stranger, a liquidity
moving all muscle and bristle. A groundhog
slippery and waddle thieving my tomatoes still
green in the morning’s shade. I watched her
munch and stand on her haunches taking such
pleasure in the watery bites. Why am I not allowed
delight? A stranger writes to request my thoughts
on suffering. Barbed wire pulled out of the mouth,
as if demanding that I kneel to the trap of coiled
spikes used in warfare and fencing. Instead,
I watch the groundhog closer and a sound escapes
me, a small spasm of joy I did not imagine
when I woke. She is a funny creature and earnest,
and she is doing what she can to survive.

  • Freewrite on the question: Why am I not allowed delight? Write on why you do deserve delight, despite a world trying to convince you that you do not.

  • Then, make a list of images, as specific and sensory as possible, that have brought you delight.

  • Now write a poem or short essay on the topic of “delight,” why we deserve it and how we find it, even in struggle. Include one or more of those very specific images or memories.

If you’re ready to allow yourself your own delight, enroll now for Spark!

Photo by Emmanuel Mbala on Unsplash