new moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo Ritual + Writing Prompt: Manifest

New Moon in Virgo Ritual + Writing Prompt: Manifest

Welcome to one of the most gorgeous new moons of the year! This is an excellent time for setting intentions and planting seeds for the next month, and the next six months of this lunar cycle. There’s so much yummy, juicy energy to work with this new moon, and hardly any difficult energies—and there haven’t been a ton of moons we can say that with this year—so please, manifest away!

New Moon in Virgo Creative Ritual—Cleanse

New Moon in Virgo Creative Ritual—Cleanse

This new moon sits with sun at 4º of Virgo. Virgo, mutable earth, marks the time of harvest, the point of the year where summer bends toward fall, and we gather and sort the wheat from the chaff. Virgo carries these energies of discernment and discrimination, determining what is worth saving and what needs to be discarded.

New Moon in Virgo Writing Prompts + Ritual—Devotion

 New Moon in Virgo Writing Prompts + Ritual—Devotion

Virgo is the Virgin, the devotee to the Goddess, cleaning and purifying the temple, ritualizing their devotion, offering themselves in service to something larger than themselves. And while I’ve certainly been feeling the back-to-school, prepare-for-winter vibes to clean out the closets and stock the pantry, I am also feeling, deeply, the call to recommit to my practices of writing, meditating, sitting with the sun each morning, making my bed, sweeping space and time for my own connection with something greater, my own devotion and service to the gifts and talents I must hone and create in offering to the world. My payment in exchange for this one wild world, this one short and exquisite life.

New Moon in Virgo Creative Writing Prompt + Ritual—The Sacred in the Small

New Moon in Virgo Creative Writing Prompt + Ritual—The Sacred in the Small

New moons are times of intention setting and planning—and this new moon in Virgo trine Saturn is the apotheosis of organization and plans.

Virgo is the Virgin, the Priestess, the Devoted One. Virgo reminds us that each small task we undertake, each detail we give attention and care, is in service to something larger than just that act, and in service to something bigger than just ourselves.