
Full Moon in Libra Ritual + Writing Prompt: Reckoning + Renewal

Full Moon in Libra Ritual + Writing Prompt: Reckoning + Renewal

This full moon glows in Libra, sitting across from the sun in Aries. Full moons are always a time of integration, of navigating the polarity of two opposite signs, of exploding the binary by embodying the paradox of the axis. Aries is the sign of the individual, of the self—it’s catch-phrase is “I am.” Aries is the beginning, the birth of spring, the individuating into a contained and separate self. Libra, on the other hand, is the sign of the other, of relating and relationship, of partner and collaboration and working together.

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual Writing Prompts—Release + Desire

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual Writing Prompts—Release + Desire

Now is a season of conserving, reserving and storing, a time of sending the energy to our roots to coil and preserve for the spring—a time of pinpointed focus and release of everything extraneous. So that when we come to the time of growing, producing and extroverting, we have that energy repleted and ready to send out into the world, and into our creative goals and projects.

Full Moon in Aries Writing Prompts + Ritual: Deep Transformation

Full Moon in Aries Writing Prompts + Ritual: Deep Transformation

This full moon is a powerful—I mean powerful—time for release and for transformation. It will also bring a lot of intensity and an impulsive desire to act, and act now (occurring in the action-oriented sign of Aries, with Mars, planet of both aggression and getting shit done, in the mix to boot). There’s a lot of surface-movement energy afoot—but beneath that, the real current, the undertow under-pining all the tumult, is the deep, transformational, evolve-or-be-destroyed tide of Pluto’s underworld.