New Moon

New Moon in Pisces—Deep-Winter Self-Care for Creativity

New Moon in Pisces—Deep-Winter Self-Care for Creativity

In all processes of creation, there are periods of downtime of quiet of rest of receiving. The creative process no less. In order to be productive, to produce creative work, we must spend time receiving, being receptive. The mutable waters of Pisces, and the cold snows of February, ask us to hunker down, hone in, hibernate, dream, daydream, listen, receive. This season and this weather asks us to tune inward, to consume more and output less. This doesn’t mean we can’t be productive… this means honoring the role of input and holding, of nurturing and germinating the seed beneath the soil, in the process of production.

New Moon in Aquarius—Ritual

New Moon in Aquarius—Ritual

Welcome to the first new moon of the decade! New moons are a time for planting the seeds, plans, and intentions for what we hope to grow in the next two weeks, six months, and the year. This one, opening our year and our decade (and falling on the Chinese New Year as well), is a great one for evaluating envisioning what we are ready to let fall behind, and what seeds we truly want to sow and invest in in the coming years. It is here we mark our future—and Aquarius, the visionary, the innovator, is a perfect sign to do it in.