New Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt—Dream Weaving

New Moon in Pisces March 13 2021 3:21 am MST

New Moon at 23º Pisces, Venus conjunct Neptune 20º Pisces

Pisces New Moon

Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the twelfth house, the final resting place where everything dissolves back into the cosmic ocean. It is the end of the astrological year, the close to the cycle. And Pisces is also the beginning. It is the grave and the womb, the place where energy separates and disintegrates and then recombines to give birth to spring, to the first house, the beginning of the cycle, to the I AM that is Aries season. Aries is our birth; Pisces is the womb that gives birth to us, the mother ocean, and also the place of our death, ego death or physical death.

This new moon in Pisces reminds us that every ending is a beginning, every beginning contains an end.

Every sign also contains its opposite, and Pisces’ opposite is Virgo. Pisces is the one consciousness, the one being, the all, the grand cosmic scope. And Virgo is the minutiae, the micro, the details of embodiment.

Pisces-Virgo reminds us that we are divinity, wrapped in human form.

(I spoke more of this axis at the last full moon, in Virgo, visit that post here.)

At this new moon, the sun and moon swim together in Pisces, co-present with Venus and Neptune, making the dreamy emotional subconscious realm particularly present, and heightened. There is no escaping the ethereal right now, resistance is futile. Fight the current and drown; surrender, and float.

Venus is exalted in Pisces, and she’s been traveling through the sign since February 25 (here until March 21), packing a powerful pulse of pleasure, joy, beauty, and romance. Venus in Pisces has brought moisture and warmth to what has been a quite dry, stark year, with so much Aquarian energy opening 2021. Venus’ focus is love, is relationship, is the beauty of aesthetic and also the beauty of connection.

Venus meets up now with Neptune (Lord of the seas—and also of imagination, dreams, illusions, and delusions), in Pisces (water sign of the fish), making this week quite the deluge after the drought.

Enjoy the dreamy, romantic quality in the air—and keep an awareness for when you may be deluding yourself, or others, or falling victim to someone else’s manipulations or illusions.

Remember to come up occasionally for air, and a gulp of reality.

End of the Cycle

As I mentioned, Pisces’ season brings an end to the yearly cycle of the zodiac. On March 20, the spring equinox arrives, beginning Aries season and bringing to completion a long, tough, lonely year.

A year ago this week, lockdown began. It’s crazy to think back, to really think back, at all this year has been and brought. And a lot of me doesn’t want to, resists the idea of looking back. But, this is what Pisces season asks of us.

I have been having flashbacks recently, memories pop into my head, of the beginning of lockdown, the first months of spring last year, whole stretches of time where the only person I saw in the flesh was my son. Sometimes neighbors on porches, how we’d wave. Where the whole of our existence consisted of our house, our yard, the block we’d take walks around. (And how lucky we were, to have that.)

A lot of people keep telling me how tired they are right now, and many are struggling with sadness and depression—and it’s not easy to say this, and it’s even harder to do this, but if this is you, as much as you can, just embrace that. Just let the feelings come. Sleep and rest as much as you possibly can.

Hold tight to the knowledge that things will change. That new and very different energy is on its way.

For me, last night, a lot cracked open, a lot that felt like it’d been held behind glass. Like I’d been trying to lock an ocean in an aquarium. Or a bottle.

Grief, so much grief. The grief of my mom’s death, her absence, the grief of February. The grief of this year. The grief of my cousin’s death, the funeral I couldn’t go to. The grief, the trauma, of past relationships, my son’s grief. All of it. All of it swirling around in me, like I’d told myself I was addressing it, but really, I realized, I’d been distracting myself, I’d been avoiding it and avoiding my avoidance.

And we can’t get away with that right now.


Aries separates, starts, cuts the cord to begin new life. Pisces, on the other hand, is the womb, the water, the mother we come from and we leave behind.

Right now, as we near the end of Pisces season and the end of the astrological year, is the time for receptivity, for listening, for remembering our connection to the source.

Pisces is a time for reflection and for release. For letting go in order to move into the new. What have you learned over the last year—especially in regards to your connection with something larger, to divinity, to yourself as a piece in the whole?

There are not always pearls from the painful sand in our shells, not all loss leads to reckoning or realization. And yet, it brings me peace, helps me survive the pain and grief, when I can find something within it, if only the reminder of my own resilience. If only the whisper hint that I am part of something larger, that I am not always and entirely alone.


There is some sadness, or just emotion, in the air, yes, but there is also the romance and joie de vivre of Venus in exaltation and the dreamy visions of Neptune.

And to celebrate the new moon and Venus + Neptune in Pisces, I have a special announcement… I am excited to announce a new course with Ansley Clark, poetry editor of The Thought Erotic, coming soon!

SPARK—a course to integrate your creative-sexual self and access radical pleasure!

SPARK is an inclusive course and community focused on accessing and deepening your relationship to your innate creative energy and your erotic power and potential. SPARK is designed for womxn, femmes, genderqueer, and nonbinary folks.

It is an 8-week guided course and community, offering lessons, exercises, practices, and support to tap the vast stores of creative energy and power contained in our sexual and pleasure-seeking drives.

Do you crave creative inspiration, better sex and intimacy, and an increased capacity for joy and pleasure? (Um… yes? Don’t we all??)

This may sound like a lot for one course to promise, but the connection between creativity and sexuality is nothing new. For thousands of years, humans all over the world have linked creativity and eroticism/sexuality as two forces that rely on and fuel each other. 

The Celtic goddess Bóinn, for example, ruled poetry and writing, flowing water, spiritual insight, knowledge, and creativity— as well as fertility and pleasure! In Celtic mythology, Bóinn protected spiritual travelers in her mysterious home full of passageways and chambers. Outside the entrance grew three magical trees, which were always full of fruit, and inside, there was always a fire in the hearth with food for guests. Here, visitors nourished their bodies and souls while Bóinn helped them access their spiritual insight, creativity, and pleasure.

This is the kind of magical, nourishing space that we imagine for Spark.

Stay tuned for more details and info on SPARK!

Writing Prompts and Ritual for the New Moon in Pisces

Ritual for the Pisces New Moon

This is also a really great new moon to set intentions (finally good aspects)! So spend your time, reflecting over the past year, but also, then, allow yourself to dream into the future and plant the seeds of dreams and love—embrace your Venus!

1. Gather Venusian, Piscean, and Neptunian items: green, pink, and white candles; rose and jasmine essential oils or incense; rose quartz, shells, a small lovely container of water; flowers (lilies, roses, peonies). Light your candles and incense.

2. Daydream (bonus points for doing it in the bathtub!) for a while, at least six minutes, but longer is highly recommended! Let yourself dream big, dream wild, dream into the visions and possibilities of your future and the world.

3. Then make a list of six things that feel big, that feel like the biggest dreams you can or want to dream into.

4. Choose one of these dreams and write it on a notecard in pink or green ink (and/or on a pink or green notecard). Write it in the present tense, as if it’s already happened. Read it aloud. Then put it somewhere where you won’t see it all the time, but where you may encounter it again someday (in the bottom of a drawer, in a book, under a plant on a shelf).

5. Now daydream/vision that you’re living in the dream, that you are the person who has or has done the things of your dream. Imagine what it feels like to be living in that vision.

6. Now, imagine that you are that version of yourself, looking back at you in the present moment, knowing that all the work and effort and dreaming you did, beginning in March 2021, led you to where you are today. Send love and support from your future self to the you of this moment. Stay here for at least six minutes. When you’re finished, snuff out your candle.

Writing Prompt for the New Moon

Write a story about a creature that comes from the sea.

This can be set in our world or a fantasy world, it can be a creature of our world or a fantastical creature, or a human or alien or anything else. Try writing from the perspective of the underwater creature.