Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual + Writing Prompts—Lightning Strikes

Full Moon in Aquarius Square Uranus August 3 9:58 am MST

This full moon in Aquarius is squaring (confronting, arm-wrestling with) Uranus, planet of shocks and upheaval. Uranus is also the modern ruler of Aquarius (Saturn, who rules Aquarius in traditional astrology, also plays a role in the current mood). Suffice it to say, this time is pulling focus on change, of the lightning strike, outta nowhere, electric, (read: revolutionary) sort—on both the personal and collective scale.

The current astro weather (full moon in Aquarius opposing sun in Leo) is also speaking to the conflict—and potential—between the collective, the communal, and our own personal light, the individual spark in us, the ideas and creative offerings that only we can bring forth.

This energy can feel very polarizing—can tear us in two, split us with what we think we “need” to do from what we feel called to do. But it also has much to teach us.

The most inspiring way to harness this tumultuous energy is to really tap into and honor our unique flame, and to play with creative ways this can feed the larger group.

Honor your weird, fly your freak flag, innovate. Think outside the box, outside the room, outside this whole damn house cuz it’s on fire.

We’re in strange, intense, generation-level pattern-setting times.

It’s difficult to see in the midst of the flames, but the decisions we make now, the aspects of life and humanity we center and feed and think/talk/dream about now, will determine the future structures of our lives and our world (Mercury in Cancer opposing Saturn in Capricorn).

This is a time when we’re being asked to reform and restructure our plans, our goals and dreams, on a personal level—to ripple out into the societal level.

There’s an urgency here as well—this is a moment of rupture—these times don’t come along every day, every year, every lifetime.

I think most of us can sense right now that we’re living through history—the moments some future generation will learn and talk about—the time some future version of ourselves will look back and recognize as a reckoning. A crossroads. We can continue to make the same mistakes and same small moves—or we can break into and crack open into the next levels of who we are and what we’re capable of.

The questions of what we build now, and what we destroy, are more crucial than ever; which dreams we lay down which we lay down plans for. We may be in the midst of the dark night—and we cannot lose sight of who we want to be, come the morning.

Full moons are a time of celebration, of honoring what we’ve accomplished and of recognizing what dreams no longer serve or inspire us—what plans we’re ready to surrender, to make room for the things that charge and feed us now.

Personal Writing Prompts

- What dreams, goals, projects really feed you right now—what feels nourishing and inspiring? How are these in conflict with or in support of the things you feel you need to do, or are supposed to do?

- What is the territory you would like to dream into—what are goals + projects, what are things you’d love to see and create in an ideal world? Allow the more “unrealistic” and “impossible” dreams to breathe and move around here—push beyond what feels doable and possible for you or for this world. What lies beyond that boundary for you?

Creative Writing Prompts

- What is a revolution that has occurred in your world (if you’re writing our world, it may be a historical revolution or an invented one), and/or in your character’s life? This does not need to be a revolution in the strict political/societal sense. You can play around with what this word means to you/your world/your character. What might a revolution on a personal level look like?

- Write a scene that takes place during this revolution (whether or not the revolution occurs within the timeline of your story).

- Next, write a scene after the revolution (during the current timeline of your story), that involves some way the character has been impacted by the changes wrought by revolution.

Creative Ritual

1. Make an altar to your dreams. Include any of the following: images and pictures and objects that speak to you of your creative visions, herbs (lavender, rosemary, jasmine, willow are all great for Aquarius), candles (purple or white), incense (lavender, jasmine, lemon balm), gemstones (clear quartz, amethyst, amber, lapis lazuli), and a water element (a glass or bowl, etc.).

2. Write a list of things you have accomplished in the last two weeks—big and small—put at least 10 items.

3. Now write a list of big big dreams. Aquarian dreams—new-world-level dreams.

4. Finally, write a list of goals or plans you’re ready to release and let go of—plans that have changed, things you thought you wanted but no longer do, “stuff” you’ve overfilled your plate with.

5. Take this last list (dreams to release) and read them aloud. Thank them, appreciate them and yourself, and honor, without guilt or shame, the fact that your relationship with them has shifted and changed.

6. Now tear up or burn that list.

7. Place your other two lists on your altar. Honor and appreciate what you’ve accomplished, and how much more there is (always) to do. Leave the lists there for the next two weeks.

8. Allow the ideas and accomplishments to circulate and implant in your subconscious. No need to solve or figure anything out right now, just give them attention and appreciation.

9. Feed them with offerings of candlelight, incense, fresh water, and your time and attention. Make any work you do on your creative projects in these two weeks a gift to your future dreams.

Photo by Shot By Ireland on Unsplash