Courtney E. Morgan

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New Moon in Libra Ritual + Creativity Prompt—Balance

New Moon in Libra 2º Sunday September 25 2022 3:54 pm MT

Happy New Moon in Libra! This is a beautiful new moon, and one of the first ones in quite a while that’s well-starred for setting intentions and manifesting.

Libra is a sign (and season) of relationships—of joining with and recognizing the value and worth of others. A time of honoring and appreciating the people (and animals and other beings) we’re connected to, of deciding who and what we want to intertwine our lives and directions with.

(This is also why one of the difficult sides of Libra can be indecision and people-pleasing—if we lean too far in the direction of the other.)

As the scales, one of Libra’s strengths is weighing all the perspectives—and, in its highest expression, making its way toward balance: between self and other, between giving and receiving, between our individual worth and the value of cooperation and collaboration.

Libra season begins with the equinox, the day marking equal light and dark, before we cross the threshold into autumn (in the northern hemisphere), and our days begin to grow shorter as we slip toward the darkness of winter.

There’s a beautiful opposition in the cosmos right now, where the sun and moon sit across the heavens from Jupiter, bringing joy and good fortune and expansive growth. Meanwhile, the ruler of this lunation, Venus, sits with Mercury opposite Neptune—planet of spiritual planes and dreamy visions. Just be wary of idealism slipping into delusions—if it seems too good to be true, give it a chance to stand the test of time before jumping in. Venus is also trine Pluto, which offers grounding and stability as well as potential for healing transformations.

And while we do have all this lovely energy for planting seeds of intention in the dark of the new moon, keep in mind that we’re still in Mercury retrograde (and five other planets are retrograde as well), lending a pensive, reflective vibe to the air.

Use this new moon time to ponder what you’ve already outgrown and released, and what you’re now ready to plant in the black soil of its compost. What do you want to differently? What new life do you wish to seed?

And remember, Libra is Cardinal Air—and air signs are known for their connecting energy. Focus in the next few weeks on interacting and connecting with others. If there are things you’ve been needing to say or communicate in your relationships, now is a good time to do it.

For me, I’ve been confronted by death recently, and as it often does, this confrontation has me looking at life differently. A friend, young person in my life recently passed. And there is nothing as gutting as the loss of child, for the family, for their friends, for the community around them. And as I’ve grappled with the vast senselessness of it, the utter unfairness, it’s also been this urgent reminder that life is so incredibly short and unpromised. That while so many of our menial tasks and things we worry about can, in fact, wait... what can’t wait are our relationships, our connections, our time to share our feelings and name our love.

I’m cherishing every laugh shared with my child, every tired morning we still rise, every argument and struggle that pushes me to handle things better, to be a kinder, more present person.

Tell people you love them, tell them why. Tell them you’re sorry. Forgive them. Risk vulnerability. Stay open to it all. Life is such a short breath and nothing, nothing is promised.

New Moon Ritual & Writing Prompt

New Moon in Libra Ritual

Finally, a good moon for manifesting! Use this ritual to plant your seeds of intention for the next two weeks (to the full moon), six months (to the next full moon in Libra) and 2.5 years (for the full lunar gestation cycle).

As I mentioned, since we are still in a lot of retrograde energy, I suggest reflecting on the past six months (and perhaps two years), and consider what you have let go of, released and changed.

Journal on the following questions: Where are you in a space of change or evolution? And what do you want to seed to replace the old (whether that is patterns and beliefs, or actual relationships, work, financial or family situations)?

Perhaps make a list of intentions you’d like to set, and then narrow it down to one or two that feel most charged in this moment. Given the moon is in Libra, intentions related to relationship and how we interact and connect with others are especially highlighted and heightened right now.

When you have the intention distilled down, perform the following ritual.

1. Gather a slip of paper, a candle (green or pink, white would also do), essential oil in a carrier oil (geranium, rose, jasmine are all Venus favorites, ruler of Libra).

2. Clear your space by smudging herbs, ringing bells or sound bowls, praying, or whatever way you prefer. Meditate and focus on your breath for a few moments.

3. Write your distilled intention on a piece of paper, in as precise a phrase or word as you can.

4. Take your essential oil and “dress” the candle with it—rub it around the base and up the shaft, and then around the wick, in a clockwise direction. As you dress the candle, focus on your attention, repeating it aloud and visualizing and/or feeling the sensation in your body as much as you can. (For example, if your intention is harmonious communication, really try to imagine and sense into what it would feel like to have those conversations, try to make it “real” in your body.)

5. You can attach the paper to the candle if you’d like, taping, gluing or just sticking it with the oil, but really the power comes from infusing the candle with your mental and emotional intention as you apply the oil.

6. Light the candle. Let it burn itself out (in a firesafe place), or snuff it out and light it again later until it burns all the way down.

New Moon Creativity Prompt

Inspired by the equinox, write a scene, poem, sketch or song, or create a piece of art, that explores or seeks balance between light and dark, shadow and brightness. Define those terms however you feel pulled.

Photo by Berlian Khatulistiwa on Unsplash