Courtney E. Morgan

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio—Surrender

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 25º Scorpio May 15 10:14 pm MT

There is a full moon lunar eclipse along the south node in Scorpio—and if you have been feeling ALL. THE. FEELINGS. today (and/or the past two weeks), well, you’re right on time. (And if you haven’t, you’ve likely noticed them in people around you/in the world at large).

South node eclipses are about where we’ve been—and even who we’ve been—and who or what (in the external or internal worlds) we need to now let go of in order to step into who we are becoming.

A south node eclipse in Scorpio—land of the repressed, the buried, the forgotten, the taboo—asks us to scour the subterranean depths and bring it all to the surface, to release the skeletons in the closet, to relinquish the old versions of ourselves. All of the old stories and beliefs and patterns and habits that have been holding us back, holding us in place, that we cling to, because even an unhappy familiar is less frightening than the unknown.

Scorpio demands that we let go the baggage and step out into the unknown. And if we don’t, if we refuse the call…? If we resist stepping off the cliff’s edge into the abyss of our next chapter—well, an eclipse this close to the nodes of fate may just push us instead.

The sun sits opposite the moon (as it always does at a full moon) in the sign of Taurus—a place of earthly pleasures and sensual delights. It beckons us with the promise, the knowledge that if we tend to our roots, look honestly and vulnerably at our own mistakes and flaws—acknowledge the habits that perhaps once kept us safe, but that now hinder or even harm ourselves or others—if we forgive ourselves and others for our human cruelty and frailty—and strive to weed out the behaviors that no longer serve us—that new gardens will grow, new forms and patterns and opportunities will appear for us on the physical plane, to reflect and match the new shape of our spirit.

Saturn sitting t-square between the sun and the moon reminds us of the work of this journey—the labor it requires to grow and evolve. To build something, to tear it down when it no longer fits, to build again anew. But it reminds us, too, that this work is never futile, never in vain. It is the work of this world, of this life.

To build, to destroy, to rebuild. To watch something grow, let it die, let it compost, reemerge as something new.

These are times of deep transformation and rebirth. We don’t manifest or ritually release during eclipses—we surrender. We give willingly what we are asked to sacrifice—be that a habit, an addiction, a relationship, a belief, a job—knowing that it is part of our evolution.

We trust the process. We trust that we are part of something bigger than us, are guided by something more than ourselves. We accept, we trust, we have faith. This time shall pass, and someday we may understand what it was all for.

I wish you strength and protection, faith and grace through this eclipse passage.

And if you need extra support—take a salt bath!

I’ll see you at the new moon, loves.