Courtney E. Morgan

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Full Moon in Aquarius Writing Prompts + Ritual: Changes

Full Moon 29º Aquarius Sunday August 22 2021 6:01 am MT

Full Moon in Aquarius Conjunct Jupiter

Welcome to the (second) full moon in Aquarius! A rare and exciting full moon, not only because it’s the capstone on two months of crescendoing Aquarian energy, but it’s also conjunct Jupiter—bringing luck and expansion to whatever you’ve been budding or building.

I didn’t do a post for the new moon in Leo two weeks ago, because I was on a much-needed, fully-unplugged vacation—but I hope you continued to explore and plant your intentions for the coming months and years. Because this is a double full moon, it collects and culminates the energy from the two new moons before it, as well as the last new moon in Aquarius, February 2021.

We got a first pass at reflecting and celebrating this a month ago at the last full moon in Aquarius—with a chance to make any tweaks or tie up loose ends—and this second full moon offers us the opportunity to celebrate what we’ve learned, what gains we’ve made and what our losses have taught us, and evaluate where we want to go from here.

Aquarius is a future-oriented, innovative sign that pushes humanity against its growth edge and leads us into our next iterations and potentials. This growth is not always comfortable, but it is both necessary and inevitable. The underlying directive of the universe is change and evolution, and we happen to be living through a time of deep churning of the Aquarian waters.

Aquarius is the water-bearer—an air sign (intellect, thinking, communication) that carries the waters of emotional depths, and nurtures humanity, quenches our thirst with deep feeling and recognition of our collective connection and interdependence.

We are at a crossroads in our species evolution and development, at an opportunity point to course-correct—and we are living out the question of, will we?

Mars also trines Uranus today—bringing upheaval and movement (back) into the center of the mix.

What I love about Aquarius is how it embodies the collective and the communal, while also being deeply individual and unique. And what all the activity and energy in this sign seems to point out and highlight to me, is the possibility, the opportunity, of exacting change on the individual level in order to affect the group. To focus on our own heart (signified even deeper by the sun in Leo), our own shining jewel in Indra’s net—to create change within the whole tapestry.

It is easy to feel hopeless in these times—and also wildly understandable—and yet, the challenge this period asks us to undertake, the guidance the full moon in Aquarius opposing the sun in Leo offers us, is focus on finding power, strength, and even hope, within ourselves. To begin here. And to watch it ripple out into our communities, and the world and universe around us.

Mars also trines Uranus today—bringing movement and upheaval (back) into the center of the mix.

My theme song for these coming weeks? Aquarius rising David Bowie never lets us down:

The Aquarius Full Moon and Your Creative Projects

Full moons always ask us to evaluate and release—to allow things to come to completion and fullness and to let fall away what needs to, in order to make room for what is coming next.

With two full moons in Aquarius, I sense that we are being asked to interrogate our goals and dreams, our creative projects and intentions, to determine not only what serves us, but also how we can best serve.

I have been feeling pulled in many directions lately, a kind of frenetic “do everything” energy. So I’m using this full moon and some of these questions to help narrow, focus and align. I hope they help you do the same!

Full Moon in Aquarius Writing Prompts + Ritual

Aquarius Full Moon Journal Writing Prompt

Consider and freewrite on the following:

  • Make a list in response to these questions:

    • What are projects, ideas, work opportunities, relationships I have been thinking about creating/building/starting?

    • What opportunities have arisen around me or have I created recently?

    • What am a I super excited about doing, but maybe scared or it feels impossible?

    • What dreams have felt too big or far away for me to reach?

    • If I could do everything I wanted, what would the top five things be?

  • Looking at this list, consider:

    • What of these things would most serve my community +/or the larger collective?

    • Where do I see the greatest need for things I am capable of (or that I would like to be capable of)?

  • Make a list of your gifts. Then make a list of ways those gifts could provide benefit to others.

Full Moon in Aquarius Creative Writing Prompt

1. Choose one of your gifts from the journal-writing prompt.

2. Assign that gift to one of your characters. If you’d like, you can “enhance” the gift, make it more literal, or a technology or power your character has. For example, if one of your gifts is empathy, maybe your character can literally read—or hear, or smell, or taste—the emotions of other people, etc.

3. Write a scene in which your character needs to use their gift to help someone else from danger—this could be actual, physical danger, or more psychological or even societal danger.

Full Moon Ritual—Aquarius Blue Moon

This full moon is here to remind us of our individual power and how it relates and functions within the larger web of our communal interactions and interdependence. But sometimes that power, our own light, feels far off or difficult to access or remember.

In order to reach many of our dreams, to complete many of our intentions, we actually have to grow into new selves, we have to stretch into skins we haven’t finished stitching yet. The following ritual and meditation is inspired by Optimal Future Self work from Nancy Napier and is designed to help us begin to slip and step into the future versions of ourselves we need to become in order to move toward our dreams and build a collective future that honors each of us.

In order to reach these places, we have to practice being who it is we want and need to become.

I recommend doing this meditation on the night of the full moon, in its light, and then again each night (or as many times as is reasonable for you) for the next four weeks (through the next waning and then waxing cycles).

1. Think of something you really want to offer the world. (Look back at your list from the journal writing prompt for inspiration.)

2. Now imagine what you need to do in order to manifest this into reality.

3. Going one step further, imagine who you would need to be, what qualities, emotional states and responses, cognitive practices would you need to have or be developing in order to be able to be the person who can do and give these offerings?

4. Now see if you can picture that person. That future version of yourself. That has, perhaps the strength of character to face rejection, that has released the phobia of public speaking, that has stepped into a new relationship to abundance and money, that is willing to face the consequences and sacrifices required to change and grow. See that person standing in front of you, or next to you. Feel or sense their energy.

5. Now, if it feels okay, try to step into the body of your future self. Merge with them. Notice what you feel. What does their body state, their emotional state, their mind state feel like? What is different from your own current state? What is familiar? What does it feel like to stand in this body? Really focus on bodily sensation as much as you can. Perhaps your posture even shifts.

6. If this feels very uncomfortable, you can add another person, a future self that exists between where you are now and this future self you hope to be. And work on merging with them first, before moving to your optimal future self when you feel ready.

7. Return to this mediation daily for the next two weeks, and even the next four weeks. In your day to day life you can also try to remember and embody this new state whenever it feels possible. The more we inhabit these body states in our imagination, the more we train our nervous systems to naturally drop into this as stasis.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash