Courtney E. Morgan

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New Moon in Cancer Ritual + Writing Prompts—Feel

New Moon in Cancer

New moon 18º Cancer July 9 2021 7:17 pm MT; T-square to Pluto and Chiron; Venus square Uranus

The moon conjuncts the sun at 18º of Cancer on July 9, initiating a new moon cycle and a moment of pattern-setting for the next two week period—as well as the next six months (until we return for the full moon in Cancer, January 17 2022, closing the cycle).

The constellation of the crab spans the portion of the sky assigned to Cancer—the word cancer itself is Latin for crab—and this crustacean spirit animal has much to teach us about the lessons and journeys of Cancer season, and this Cancer new moon in particular.

The crab—though hard and boundaried on the outside—within, is soft emotional mush. The crab’s shell contains and protects the oceanic emotions of Cancer’s cardinal waters. And in this particular lunation, the sun and moon are in a T-square (by orb) with Pluto and Chiron—bringing old wounds and feelings (Chiron) up from the buried depths (Pluto) and to the surface.

Go gentle through these waters, dear ones, and do not abandon yourself. Stay with your feelings.

New Moon—Wombs for Manifestation

Last full moon, when the sun in Cancer opposed the moon in Capricorn, we talked about (and ritualized) boundaries. Limits can act as walls to block out what we do not want, what does not serve—our sacred no. And they can also act as containers, to focus and prioritize what we do want to build or birth.

And Cancer is a sign and time of birth. The crab’s shell is the womb that contains and nourishes the visions that float in, and arise from, our deepest feelings. While the crab can become prisoner to their passions—in the highest expression of Cancer, we use our sentimental fervor to fuel our dreams.

So for this new moon, embrace your inner crab and wade—perhaps even wallow—in the tides. While of course it is possible to overindulge, more than any time of year, now is the time to explore the full ocean of your emotions, to allow, to witness, to hold space—and to see what pearls may lie in wait.

FEEL what you need to feel. Whether or not you understand the feelings that arise, that perhaps have been rising in the past two months, allow them their time, their voice. Now, note that I’m not saying ACT on them—just be present with them. Save action for Leo season.

We’ve just been through an incredibly fraught astrological period: eclipse season; Mercury retrograde with a three-time square to Neptune; the second of the three Saturn-Uranus squares that define the whole of 2021 (which, btw, the exact square has passed, but the planets are still squared by orb, so, we’re still feeeeeling the Saturn-Uranus vibe and the clash between structure + tradition vs upheaval + innovation); Mars getting up in the action with a T-square and then Venus following suit, squaring Uranus herself just yesterday…

If you don’t know what all of this means… just know that if you’ve been feeling All. The. Feels… you’re not alone and you’re right on time.

And honestly, my advice in this moment is to embrace that, to let it be, to feel it. To just fucking feel your feelings. In all their messy, mushy, muddy glory. (I am a Cancer after all.)

If you need an anthem for right now, here’s my personal choice:

Bathe in your emotions, trust your gut (Cancer rules the stomach), and nurture your most vulnerable and fragile dreams.

At the full moon, we took stock of our most authentic desires—whatever that means for you. Now its time to explore our feelings about all that’s happened over the past few months, and refine our maps and visions about who we truly are—and what we are here to do.

With the waxing moon (the two weeks that follow this new moon until the next full), we begin to feed and nurture the fledgling, baby dreams growing in the wombs built of our boundaries, our limits, our choices to say no, and yes.

New Moon in Cancer Writing Prompts + Ritual

New Moon in Cancer Ritual

As you know, new moons are powerful times of manifestation, where the seeds we plant have the support to take root and grow. For this new moon, however, with all the rather tough, tense, “square” energy about, rather than set intentions to manifest, this ritual will support you in asking for guidance and in listening. Listening to your intuition, your feelings, your guides, your ancestors—to clarify and prioritize your visions and your direction.

1. Make an altar to the moon, and to any ancestors you’d like to honor. Include stones such as moonstone, selenite, pearl. Incense or oils for this lunation can include jasmine, lavender, sandalwood, white rose. Light a white or purple candle.

2. Take several deep breaths, following the air as it enters, moves through, and exits your body. Use any meditative or relaxation techniques you find useful, or just spend a few moments getting present with your breath.

3. Now take your journal, and write down three things you would like guidance or support on. These may be questions, goals or dreams you have, directions you’re considering, etc.

4. Set a timer for two minutes, and write, as quickly as you can, without lifting your pen and as much as possible without thinking, whatever feelings, emotions, bodily sensations, intuitions, etc. you notice when you think about the first item on the list. Focus on the body, on emotions.

5. Now, set the timer for two minutes again and write any thoughts, ideas, musings, wonderings, guidance that comes into your head, or comes through your pen (again, for the first item on the list). Focus on the cognitive aspects.

6. Repeat both rounds again with the second item on the list.

7. Set the timer one last time, and ask your guides (or your ancestors, or your intuition, or some larger aspect of yourself) for any guidance or direction they have to offer. Again, write as fast as you can, don’t lift the pen, don’t worry about spelling, grammar, etc., don’t stop to try to understand.

8. When you’re finished, you can ask any further questions and do one last round of two-minute timed writing to address those questions.

9. When you’re finished, write on any thoughts or insights that came up in the process—using your more conscious brain now.

10. Snuff out your candle when you’re finished.

Cancer New Moon Journal Writing Prompts

Freewrite on the following new moon-Pluto-Chiron-inspired questions:

  • How have your particular and specific losses and wounds affected or directed what you want to do/build/birth/be/feel in the world?

  • Can you channel or guide some of what you’re currently feeling (or feelings from the past) into the dreams and visions you feel called to?

  • What does care mean and look like to you right now? How is it showing up in your life? With and for others, and with and for yourself?

  • Where or how is it missing? What care do you need?

  • How can you nurture and offer yourself care in the next two weeks? Where and from whom can you ask for care, support, nourishment?

New Moon Creative Writing Prompt

Each that we lose takes part of us

by Emily Dickinson

Each that we lose takes part of us;
A crescent still abides,
Which like the moon, some turbid night,
Is summoned by the tides.

Sometimes our losses, our grief, our feelings of sadness, can throw into relief what is left behind. Or who we are now, after loss.

Read the poem by Emily Dickinson, then make a list of some of the major losses you have sustained. Write a poem or a freewrite on what one or more of these losses have taken from you—and what, like a crescent, still remains.

Photo by Cris Trung on Unsplash